Frequently Asked Questions
How many people can go?
I have a 7 passenger van, since I always get to go, that leaves room for 6.
How much is it?
Flat Rate Simple Friends & Family Pricing. $575 Full Day Adventures. Typically further out - more remote, more wildlife. Local 1/2 day (4-5 hours) trips $425.00 The price is NOT per person, it includes everyone - up to 6 persons - and everything. No surprise charges - $3.00 for a bottle of water, $50.00 for your photo or other up sell gimmicks others use. Not here!
For Short & Sweet Tours Price is $30.00 Per Person X number of Persons X number of Hours, Simple.
Can we go Snorkeling / Swimming?
Sure kids, with your parents permission. Parents always have the final say, not me. It may depend on where we are kayaking. Some places the visibility isn't very good. Other spots like up in the springs, amazing! I always have an extra snorkel mask you may use, if you don't have one. But it is always best to have your own, advise me you want to go snorkeling as well as kayaking and we can probably make it happen. Sure, I will go too.
What if we experience bad weather?
Welcome to Florida. It can be pouring rain on one side of the street and sunny across the street. Usually what we do is keep a good attitude about it and duck under a giant old oak tree till the rain passes which is usually pretty quick. If there are marine advisory alerts we will not be out doing a coastal islands paddle anyway. If you have booked a trip in advance and the weather is going to be bad, we can reschedule the trip for another day or refund your deposit. * Please note a 30% chance of rain is not grounds to cancel a trip. Over the years what I have found is if you listen to the weatherman too much more often then not they were wrong, and you missed what was a beautiful day. I have an uncanny Florida weather bone, which has proved more reliable then what the news suggests the weather will be. Sometimes a cloudy or overcast day keeps others away which presents opportunities to see wild life we other wise might not see if people before us have scared it away.
Why Coconut Kayak Tours?
Words like Coastal - Springs - Estuary are defining words as would be Caladesi Kayak or Weedon Kayak. Since I go to the spring fed rivers as well as the coastal islands I didn't want anything too defining. Coconut - perfect! The name Coconut should be translated here to simply mean fun, tropical, a little coco - crazy - fun! This is what we do.
Do you have those Clear Kayaks?
Absolutely NOT! Why? Pure junk, don't be deceived by photoshopped pictures and excited advertising. These are a piece of polycarbonate heated up and vacuum formed into a bathtub shape. They perform like a bloated bathtub, they don't track and bounce you around like a cork. Most of the outfits that offer these limit their tours to two hours and also require you to share a tandem kayak and don't let you choose to have your own. This results in a lower cost for the outfitter. You will have a backache from trying to propel this " kayak" which is not a kayak.
Real Kayak Tour companies USE REAL KAYAKS - not these poor-performance bathtubs one can buy for about $300. bucks from China. See: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Fashion-kayak-transparent-Ocean-Clear-Bottom_1600494331783.html?spm=a2700.details.0.0.735c33c7oY04Os
I purchase all my kayaks and gear from a small family-owned shop here in Largo. I also typically purchase Made in The USA.
Can we go on the rope swing?
Absolutely! It's Crazy Fun! With your parents permission of course. (All parents or responsible guardian for those under the age of 18 shall have the deciding vote on what is an acceptable level of risk ) Some tree jumps / swings are better then 30 foot high ( 3 stories) and should only be attempted by those with the experience and skill to do so. Because I am responsible for everyone on the trip - If I do not feel conditions are safe, example water level too shallow. Then you must follow my direction NOT to do a particular jump. This also applies to tree jumps.
How Do I book a trip?
Rely on the service and expertise of your hotel concierge to arrange it for you. Sand Pearl, Hyatt, Marriott , Holiday Inn, Sheraton & others all know me. Call me - KC - directly on the telephone. BEST WAY. Or fill out the advance reservation request form, include your telephone # and I will call. Usually evenings is when I make all my phone calls.
Do you charge a deposit? How much?
Yes, I have too. The deposit for your trip is a $100.00 non - refundable deposit iit s taken to hold your date. While I state the deposit is in fact non - refundable some exclusions do apply. Bad weather conditions, family emergency, and valid reasons that prevent us from doing the trip if it can not be rescheduled I may well refund the deposit. I am not out to scam anyone here. However if you simply change your mind, or saw a weather report that suggests a 30% chance of rain and now don't want to go. Then yes I will keep the deposit as your reservation prevented me from making another. You also have the option of transferring your deposit and reservation to another person. The balance is paid upon pick up enroute to your destination. Waiver of liability forms are also signed at this time.
Waiver of Liability
All participants must sign a waiver of liability. Some trips pose very little risk, others a bit more. There is always the possibility one could step on a sting ray or sea urchin. Other trips we may encounter wild monkeys, alligators, snakes, etc... Should you choose not to follow my direction and start messing with a gator and it decides to attack you, well it is your own fault dummy!
If you go on a rope swing and try and do a double flip and fail - and hurt yourself. This is not my fault. Insurance is my #1 expense and trust me it is not cheap. My auto insurance policy should cover you in the event we are in an accident - if for example a semi truck jack knifes and flips over in front of us and I am unable to perform an evasive maneuver in time to avoid a collision, this is why everyone must sign the waiver of liability. 99% of the time we will have no issues or injuries. The waiver is for that 1% freak chance something may occur. My guests safety is always paramount, We follow all the rules as set forth by the State of Florida and the Florida State Parks. I know many of the park rangers and wish to keep my responsible tour operator reputation with them. You do not for example want to touch the poison sumac, or you will get a rash that will aggravate you for a week - no fun! These are the things you may not know I will do my best to prevent you from being stupid about. Here is the waiver
Can we take our own vehicle?
Sure. Some people feel they will be more comfortable in their own vehicle. I understand. However, please understand this does not reduce the cost of your trip in anyway as I still have to drive and haul the kayaks and gear to our destination. At present I have a 7 passenger 2016 Town & County van with 4 captains chairs and a 3rd row seat that fits 3 ( usually the kids) I desined my Kayak Tour SERVICE with our Clearwater - IRB Tourist families in mind that don't have a rental car. If you drove down - and want to drive - Great. Bonus....your vehicle becomes the return shuttle, This allows us to do a float trip - with the flow all the way. We park your car at the pullout - then put in upriver....leave the van and kayak trailer. Tour car shuttles me back to get the van and trailer - return & load up.
Do you offer Kayak Fishing Trips?
Yes and no. There are several complicated laws and fishing regulations for both salt & freshwater species. Personally, I do enjoy fishing and of course I know some great spots. If you are an out of state resident and you go on one of the fishing charter boats their license covers you. This is not true with a kayak tour operator and each person must secure their own fishing license, species tags etc... salt or fresh water. I do not claim to be an expert fishing guide. I would much prefer to simply recommend one of my friends who are. If this is of interest to you ask me. That being said, yes if you have your own fishing pole and tackle and have the required license and permits, sure you may bring your pole and tackle box on the trip. If you are going to do this please advise me so I can suggest the best fishing locations to take you to and know where we can pick up some bait for you, at your expense.
What about food or water? What should we bring?
The less you bring the better. Of course you will want to bring your camera, video camera, sun protection, a towel, and perhaps a extra T-shirt, swim trunks or shorts. Flip flops or water shoes are best. Rules vary, but keep in mind most destinations prohibit the use of any disposable type containers. This includes styrofoam cups, aluminum cans, plastic water bottles. I will have a cooler with ice and jug of water, ice tea, lemonade or soft drinks plus the approved personal containers for you. Yes you may bring a picnic lunch. Other times we simply stop or hit a drive thru . Some trips end at really good restaurants I have specially selected and have arrangements with the owners of these places to cater to my guests, we are always VIPs. Again your job is to enjoy the trip - my job is to handle the little details. Relax - your in good hands.
Still have questions? Call KC or send a message via the contacts page form.