Meet Your Guide KC Hicks

I started this kayaking biz in June 2017 as Kayak Clearwater Beach.com when the Beach walk Inn was sold to make way for the new Hiatus, Hilton branded 88 room luxury hotel. I had been in the Motel/ Hotel - Real Estate and Property Management biz for decades. "What are you going to do now? Asked friends. I don't know, have fun and go kayaking! You should start a kayak tour company they said. So, I did.
My business model has been an evolution of happy accidents. I started from the Clearwater Beach Marina, and 1 week after opening the City of Clearwater decided they did not want me to launch my kayak tours from the Marina because of all the other boat traffic in & out of the marina. It's a liability thing. Where else can I go? Necessity is the mother of invention.
This is when I got the idea. I will get a van and just pick up the families at their hotel or vacation rental. You really don't need a rental car here and all the resorts started charging for parking. Now, I can go anywhere! What was suppose to be a small simple semi retirement biz for fun, became way more successful then I ever envisioned or intended.
Understand I broke all the rules of your typical kayak tour / rental outfits. We are 1st class here for our 1st class visitors. I remain a one man show, doing everything myself. Including this website. It is my business, my fun, my money and I run the business, I do not let the business run me.
We have fun! That is the whole point of this business. Sometimes we learn how to catch blue crabs, go on the rope swing, swim with the manatees, have squirt gun wars or sift the river bottom for fossils and shark teeth.
Now, 7 years later... 1000s of customers, a proven performer. Relax your in good hands. My job is to worry about all the details. Your job is just to show up in front of your hotel and enjoy the trip, or meet up at the launch spot. I have a lifetime of exploring Florida's Springs, rivers and estuaries. Sorry, I do not disclose my best spots online. I prefer little known locations, off the beaten tourist trap locations.
Best Viewed Full Screen with sound on. Click watch on You Tube.
Yes! We do have wild monkeys in Florida. It is 5 hours drive time round trip from Clearwater to Silver Springs. I stopped offering this trip for now. Call my buddy Mike Sage at Silver Springs Kayaking and he can take you. There is a nice Holiday Inn Express just across from the State Park. Consider stopping here on your way down - or back home. Best Kayak River in all of Florida in my opinion.
Call Me! (727) 238-1960
I am a talker NOT a Texter.